In 2018, Provia implemented a new packaging system to better protect their windows during shipping. All the windows are individually shipped fully-enclosed in custom-sized boxes. By shipping their windows like that, Provia adds the benefits of lowering the risk of damage, keeping the windows clean, keeping all components together, and allowing for a professional appearance on the job site. Even better, all Provia’s boxes are recyclable!

Paperboard boxes were first invented in 1817 in England by the firm, M Treverton & Son. It wasn’t until the 1870s that a happy accident gave paperboard boxes a more widespread appeal. Robert Gair operated a paper bag factory in Brooklyn, New York when the ruler responsible for creasing the bags instead cut through them. Gair realized that by cutting and creasing at the same time, he could create prefabricated paperboard boxes.

Corrugated, or pleated, paper was patented in 1856 and originally used as a support for tall hats. It didn’t gain any headway as a shipping material until 1871. Albert Jones first used single-sided cardboard to wrap glass lantern chimneys and bottles prior to shipping. The first machine capable of producing large quantities of cardboard came to life in 1874. That same year, a second side was added to corrugated cardboard, giving it the familiar form we still use today.

The US manufactured its first cardboard box in 1895. By the 1900s, cardboard began replacing wooden crates as they were much lighter and easier to handle. Now, thanks to their recyclability, cardboard boxes aren’t going anywhere. Thanks to Provia’s commitment “to serve, by caring for details in way others won’t,” we are happy to receive (and recycle) their packaging!